Both legally and morally, there has been an implicit definition of the meaning of conflict of interest:

"a public office holder is in a conflict of interest when he or she exercises an official power, duty or function that provides an opportunity to further his or her private interests or those of his or her relatives or friends, or to improperly further another person's private interests".


"Webster defines corruption as 'an impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principal'.

With this thought in mind, people of both cultures residing in the Watson Lake area want to pressure the new Premier of Yukon and his Cabinet, to end their long period of inattention to our community needs. This ongoing neglect seems has been in effect since the last 2006 election and has continued ever since with the full approval of our elected MLA and past Premier, Dennis Fentie, a former Watson Lake resident Deputy Premier Elaine Taylor, as well as the man really in charge, their leader, the Minister of Community Services Archie Lang. This powerful trio appears to be discouraging any substantial population increases or new free enterprise opportunities through government inspired protection to at least three select business enterprises who in turn are monopolizing provision of regional food, clothing and medicine. They are in fact deriving substantial profits from exclusive sales and services to regional First Nations citizens and organizations at very elevated prices. By keeping the area population down to a minimum, the less attractive it would appear to people with new enterprises wishing to compete for this very profitable and unlimited market. The rest of us just have to pay the high costs and go along for the ride!"


In addition to anticipated negative responses from the Yukon Government, three members of the former town council consistantly rejected any form of new regional commercial development, and were thought to be influenced by the Minister of Community Services Archie Lang, and his local business partner Pat Irvin . Although he currently serves as a member of the important Yukon Development Commission, Mr. Irvin is widely know to be intensly opposed to any new local business development whatsoever in this regard. In addition, two of the former town councillors were employed by of one of the Ministers own departments at the time!


It doesn't take a genius to know that until Watson Lake can offerlots to buyers in a secure and fully serviced main street syled commercial setting, its chanc es of growth are almost impossible. This is what the Minister and two otherlocal monopolies fear the most.

The following letters and other data outline some of the difficulties I encountered when presenting a proposal to encourage new business development by creating a new downtown business core. In addition to anticipated negative responses from the Yukon Government, three members of the former town council consistantly rejected any form of new regional commercial development, and were thought to be influenced by the Minister of Community Services Archie Lang, and his local business partner Pat Irvin . Although he currently serves as a member of the important Yukon Development Commission, and the Yukon Energy Commission, Mr. Irvin is widely know to be intensly opposed to any new local business development whatsoever in this regard. In addition, two of the former town councillors were employed by of one of the Ministers own departments at the time!

On a more optimistic note, we now have a different elected Town Council and when infrastructure funding is restored in suitable ammounts. In that regard, hopefully they will soon be making firm demands on senior government officials for long awaited and badly needed infrastructure funding, to meet our backlog of repair, upgrading , and undertaking of new infrastructure initiatives. Otherwise we can only await the possibility of a new and more accommodating Yukon Government following the October election.

Town of Watson Lake

Town of Watson Lake
Proposed Site is Level Area Left of Center



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Proposed New Main Street Business District

This is a bit of background material for the proposal to establish a central core, main street syled commercial district. It is not supported by Minister of Community Services Archie Lang, as it would offer the possibility of competition to his local enterprises, and those of his friends. It makes provision for free-enterprise shops, stores, hotels, office buildings and a variety of much needed small business opportunities. As you will note, the location would be somewhere within the level jackpine flat behind the Trans North Helicopter hangar at the center-right of the photo. It has excellent sub-soils for sewer and water installation, and a sewage lagoon is sited at a lower elevation to the south. As you will note, most existing businesses are currently located in a strip-development along both sides of the Alaska Highway. Further expansion in that area is unsuitable due to the terrain, which includes small lakes and rock based hills. The Alaska Railroad Survey generally follows the existing Alaska Highway in center. To enlarge the items below, just click them.

Proposed New Main Street Business District

This is a bit of background material for the proposal to establish a central core, main street syled commercial district. It is not supported by Minister of Community Services Archie Lang, as it would offer the possibility of competition to his local enterprises, and those of his friends. It makes provision for free-enterprise shops, stores, hotels, office buildings and a variety of much needed small business opportunities. As you will note, the location would be somewhere within the level jackpine flat behind the Trans North Helicopter hangar at the center-right of the photo. It has excellent sub-soils for sewer and water installation, and a sewage lagoon is sited at a lower elevation to the south. As you will note, most existing businesses are currently located in a strip-development along both sides of the Alaska Highway. Further expansion in that area is unsuitable due to the terrain, which includes small lakes and rock based hills. The Alaska Railroad Survey generally follows the existing Alaska Highway in center. To enlarge the items below, just click them.


